“Experts, Amateurs, and Bureaucratic Influence in the American States”(with Graeme Boushey). Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, N.d. (forthcoming).
- Winner of the 2015 State Politics and Policy Quarterly Award for best paper on state politics and policy presented at any professional meeting.
“The Marginality Hypothesis and Supreme Court Confirmation Votes in the Senate” (with James Rydberg). Congress & the Presidency, N.d. (forthcoming).
“Directing Discipline: State Medical Board Responsiveness to State Legislatures” (with Denise F. Lillvis). Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, N.d. (forthcoming).
“Retrospective Congressional Oversight and the Dynamics of Legislative Influence over the Bureaucracy” (with Jason A. MacDonald). Legislative Studies Quarterly, N.d. (forthcoming).
“Congress as Manager: Oversight Hearings and Agency Morale” (with John D. Marvel). Journal of Public Policy, N.d. (forthcoming).
“Veto Override Requirements and Executive Success” (with Jon C. Rogowski and Josh M. Ryan). Political Science Research and Methods, N.d. (forthcoming).
“Constraining a Shadowy Future: Enacting APAs in Parliamentary Systems”
(with Jeeyang Rhee Baum and Christian B. Jensen). Legislative Studies Quarterly, Vol. 41, No. 2. (May, 2016), pp. 471-499.
“Gubernatorial Veto Powers and the Size of Legislative Coalitions” (with Jon C. Rogowski and Josh M. Ryan). Legislative Studies Quarterly, Vol. 40, No. 4 (November, 2015), pp. 571-598.
“Legislatures, Courts, and Statutory Control of the Bureaucracy across the U.S. States.” State Politics and Policy Quarterly, Vol. 13, No. 3 (September, 2013), pp. 373-397.
“Congressional Oversight Hearings and Policy Control.” Legislative Studies Quarterly, Vol. 38, No. 3 (August, 2013), pp. 349-376.
“The Rise and Fall of Radical Civil Service Reform in the U.S. States.” Public Administration Review, Vol. 73, No. 4 (July/August, 2013), pp. 638-649.
“Making Rules About Rulemaking: A Comparison of Presidential and Parliamentary Systems”(with Christian B. Jensen). Political Research Quarterly, Vol. 64, No. 3 (September, 2011), pp. 656-667.
“Electoral Competition and the Frequency of Initiative Use in the U.S. States.” American Politics Research, Vol. 39, No. 3 (April, 2011), pp. 638-649.
Book Chapter
The Power of Institutional Design: Governors, Vetoes, and Legislative Outcomes
(with Jon C. Rogowski and Josh M. Ryan) in The American Governor: Power, Constraint, and Leadership in the States, ed. David P. Redlawsk. 2015. New York, NY: Palgrave MacMillan.
Book Review
Review of James M. Curry‘s Legislating in the Dark: Information and Power in the House of Representatives (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2015), for the Journal of Politics, Vol. 78, No. 2 (April 2016).
Manuscripts under Review
“A Race for the Regs: Unified Government, Statutory Deadlines, and Federal Agency Rulemaking.” Under review (with Jason A. MacDonald)
Working Papers
“The Gift of Gridlock: Divided Government, Bureaucratic Autonomy, and the Politics of Rulemaking in the American States” (with Graeme T. Boushey)
“Even Money: Tied Chambers, Power Sharing, and Party Effects in State Legislatures” (with Josh M. Ryan)
Works in Progress
“Participation Bias and Health Inequalities in the States” (with William W. Franko)
“What Bargain? Gubernatorial Budget Success and Medicaid Expansion”
“Administrative Reform and the Shadows of the Future: Insulation and Politicization in the U.S. States”